Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard mini

Written By Unknown on 22 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi | 14:30

http://newstechnonew.blogspot.be/❱❱ PRICE £50(£60incVAT)




One of our favourite Bluetooth keyboards for the iPad is Logitech’s Ultrathin Keyboard Cover, so we expected great things from its iPad mini sibling. We weren’t disappointed. Like the full-sized version, it doubles as a cover, clipping magnetically onto the left edge of Apple’s smaller tablet. While in use, the iPad docks into a magnetised slot above the keyboard, and although we’d prefer the angle to be a little slacker, the iPad mini’s wide viewing angles mean this isn’t a problem. The key to the Logitech’s success, however, is the quality of the keyboard. Despite measuring only 6.6mm thick, every key has a surprising amount of travel and positive feedback. Inevitably, some compromises have been made. The backspace, colon and apostrophe keys are tiny, and the price is a little high. However, this mini keyboard is the business, and given the quality on offer, we suspect it will remain best in class for some time.

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