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Social Network and Mobile Included

Written By Unknown on 28 Haziran 2013 Cuma | 00:00

With the release of Norton Internet Security, Norton AntiVirus and Norton 360 Multi-Device, Symantec is not only looking at malicious virus as it now is also considering Social Networking security as a focus. 

According to this year’s Norton Cybercrime Report, one in ten social network users said they’d fallen victim to a scam or fake link on  social network platforms. Symantec divided these forms of attacks into several categories:

• Manual Sharing Attack - Users shares the malicious link themselves without knowing the link is infecte

•  Copy Paste Attack - A malicious site will ask users to copy and paste a malicious HTML link on their browser

•  Like-Jacking - A website that requires you to click certain links, translating into liking a certain post

•  Comment-Jacking - A website with a fake  Captcha that, once entered, will turn into comments

For further protection on social network sites there is also a free app called Norton Safe Web for Facebook. This will scan through links posted by users’ friends to determine whether a link is safe or not. 

Symantec also released its latest flagship mobile offering called Norton Mobile Security. It delivers protection for mobile users’ iOS and Android devices. With one in three mobile devices being lost or stolen, the Mobile Security is designed to keep the device secure, can assist in recovering lost or stolen devices, and prevent strangers from accessing the information stored within.

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